Reclaiming Sovereignty from Within

For three years, I lived in disconnection—from myself, my heart, and my internal guidance system. At the time, my human self didn’t know or fully understand what was happening. But now, with the clarity that has come from reconnection, I realize my higher self knew all along. This period of disconnection was part of the plan. It was a necessary experience to help me truly stand tall in my sovereignty and power. I was undergoing a deep initiation into what it means to reclaim my personal power. To fully understand the contrast of living in ‘disconnection from self’ as I’ve always had this connection, even during my ‘disconnection from light’ period.

It’s taken over a year and a half of deep inner work, facing shadows, de-programming, and truly owning the role I played in every part of my journey. The lessons I’ve learned have been invaluable, and now I’m ready to share the wisdom here in this post, with my clients, and the collective. This journey back to sovereignty isn’t just my story—it’s a pathway we all have access to, a reminder that no matter how far we stray from ourselves, we can always return, stronger and more powerful than ever before.

What It Looks Like to Live Without Sovereignty

Living without sovereignty is like drifting in the ocean without an anchor. You are moved by the waves of external forces—people, places, situations—without realizing you have the power to steer your own ship. When we are disconnected from our sovereignty, life feels chaotic and overwhelming. We become reactive, allowing our emotions, energy, and decisions to be influenced by everything around us, instead of standing firm in our truth. This is what I call allowance without sovereignty.

Allowance without sovereignty shows up when we let things happen to us without standing in our personal power. We may think we’re being accommodating or flexible, but what we’re really doing is abandoning our truth. We become people-pleasers, over-givers, or simply passive participants in our own lives. Without sovereignty, we allow others to manipulate our energy, impose their beliefs on us, and dictate the direction of our lives.

In my own experience, this looked like staying in a job that drained me to the point of burnout because I didn’t trust my own inner guidance to leave. It looked like allowing my Reiki teacher to repeatedly tell me what my passion was, even when it didn’t feel aligned with my heart. And at the deepest level, it involved connecting with a “mentor” who subtly siphoned my energy, left me feeling exhausted and depleted, and convinced me I wasn’t “high vibrational” enough. But in all of this, I realized I wasn’t a victim—I allowed these situations to unfold because I wasn’t standing in my sovereignty or trusting in my own personal power.

Allowance Without Sovereignty vs. Sovereign Allowance

The difference between allowance without sovereignty and sovereign allowance is key. Allowance without sovereignty is passive. It’s the act of letting others influence your energy, emotions, and decisions because you aren’t fully rooted in your personal power. You allow things to happen to you, believing you have no control. You might think you’re being easygoing or accommodating, but in truth, you’re abandoning yourself and your own truth in the process.

But sovereign allowance is different. Sovereign allowance is the ability to allow people, situations, and experiences to exist without letting them influence or control you. It’s the understanding that you can be in any environment, with any person, and still remain fully in your power. In this state, you no longer allow others to manipulate your energy or dictate your reality because you are deeply rooted in your heart and your sovereignty. Sovereign allowance means holding space for others without sacrificing your own truth or boundaries. It’s an awareness that everything just IS and allowing that ISness to be. It is the embodiment of personal power, where external forces no longer have the ability to sway or drain you.

This is the shift I had to make in my own life. I had to move from allowance without sovereignty—where I was constantly influenced by external forces—into sovereign allowance, where I could engage with the world from a place of power, without being manipulated or diminished by it.

Reclaiming Sovereignty: The Key to Liberation

Reclaiming sovereignty is about stepping into the full embodiment of your power. It’s about standing firmly in your truth and knowing that no one—no external force—has the power to influence your energy, emotions, or decisions unless you allow it. Sovereignty is the key to true freedom and liberation because it puts you back in the driver seat of your reality.

When you are in your sovereignty, you no longer feel “under attack.” The idea of being attacked or hurt by external forces is an illusion created by disempowerment. In truth, nothing can harm you or affect you unless you give it permission to. Sovereignty is the understanding that you are always in control of your reality, and that external forces only have power over you if you allow them to. This is a huge shift from living in fear or reactivity to living in empowerment and love.

As I reclaimed my sovereignty, I learned that everything I experienced was a reflection of what was happening internally. The draining job, the manipulative mentor, the feeling of unworthiness, putting others on a pedestal—all of these were external reflections of my internal state. They were showing me where I wasn’t standing in my power, where I was allowing without sovereignty, and where I needed to reclaim my truth. The external world is always a mirror for what’s happening inside of us, and when we reclaim our sovereignty, the external world naturally begins to shift to reflect that.

Returning to the Heart: The True Path to Sovereignty

At the core of sovereignty is the heart. The heart is the gateway to our deepest truth and the seat of our personal power. When we are disconnected from the heart, we lose our sovereignty because we are no longer anchored in our authentic self. But when we return to the heart, we reconnect with our power, our intuition, and our ability to navigate the world from a place of love and empowerment.

This is the path to true freedom and liberation—reclaiming sovereignty by returning to the heart. It’s about trusting in your own knowing, standing tall in your truth, and expressing yourself from a place of authenticity. When you are in your sovereignty, you no longer dim your light or seek validation from others. You shine unapologetically, knowing that your power comes from within, and that nothing outside of you can affect your energy unless you allow it.

Sovereignty is not about controlling the external world; it’s about controlling how we respond to it. It’s about holding our center, no matter what chaos or manipulation may exist around us. It’s about expressing from a heart-centered space, trusting that we are always supported by the Divine, and knowing that our power lies in our ability to remain true to ourselves.

How to Work Towards Reclaiming Sovereignty

Reclaiming your sovereignty is about returning to the truth that you are worthy of creating a life that aligns with your deepest desires. It begins with reconnecting to your heart. Trusting your inner guidance and knowing that you have the right to create your life the way you want is essential. This process involves setting & keeping boundaries to honor your energy and honoring your truth, no matter how it may differ from external expectations. Practicing self-reflection and shadow work can help you uncover where you’ve been giving your power away, allowing you to consciously reclaim it. Remember, reclaiming sovereignty is about owning your power, standing in the full knowledge of your worth, your right to freedom, and your ability to shape your reality. By trusting in your heart & power, knowing your worth, and taking action from a place of heart centered empowerment, you can reclaim your sovereignty and live the life that feels most aligned with who you truly are.

Journal Prompts to Support Your Journey:

  1. Where in my life have I given my power away? How can I begin to reclaim it?
  2. What beliefs or patterns have made me feel unworthy of creating the life I desire? Are these my beliefs? Mom’s? Dad’s? Spouse?
  3. What does sovereignty mean to me, and how can I express that in my everyday life?
  4. What boundaries do I need to set in order to protect my energy and honor my truth?
  5. How can I trust my heart more deeply and follow my inner guidance without fear or hesitation?

Reflect on where you may be allowing without sovereignty in your own life. How can you reclaim your power and move into a state of sovereign allowance? Share your thoughts under my Instagram post, and let’s continue this conversation. If this post resonates with you, feel free to share it with others. It’s time we reclaim our sovereignty, own our power, and step into true freedom.